Saturday, October 24, 2009

Happy fourth birthday Clubpenguin!

Well I said I was going to post on special ocasions like anniversary partys
for Clubpenguin.

Here is a picture I took to remember this party and to look back at it
to have memories!

I will see if I can post on other special ocasions like this sometime!(Maybe the next anniversary party the 5th!)

Anyways happy birthday Clubpenguin!

Yoshi 4567

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I quit.

I have lost my interest in clubpenguin since they keep on bringing old
items back.It gets really boring.Clubpenguin also gets more childesh day by
day.It is all Disneys fault If disney weren't here with Clubpenguin
I would of still posted and played more of Clubpenguin.

Now I still go on Clubpenguin but very rarely.I won't go on alot like I used too in the
old days :(

All I need to say to disney is that you hve failed to make Clubpenguin better.You made it

Over and out Blogging.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Easter egg locations!

These pictures were not made by me. I give all credit to Wwe Adam from

Also happy Easter!

Friday, April 3, 2009

New stuff! And catalog finally came out!

Party Update)Hello Penguins!

There's a new Penguin Style in the Gift Shop today, so check out the new garden-friendly fashions for your penguin! You'll be able to wear your new outdoor things when you and your friends start hunting for eggs next Friday during the annual Easter egg scavenger hunt!!

In Other News: Some of you have asked about keeping the Box Dimension room (the special room you get to through the Portal Box) around after the April Fool's Party. It's a great idea and we wanted to let you know we're going to leave it up for a while so you and your friends can enjoy it even after the party is over. Let us know what you think!

Until then...Waddle on!

-Club Penguin Team

By Billybob on April 03 2009 09:16

Also the catolog finally came out!

No new catalog?

Its already past due!

It might come at 12:oo pst either because they're fixing bugs or a

april fools joke.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

New Newspaper!!!!

Hullo pengs whats up?
Check out this weeks news paper!Lots of wacky stuff in it!
Also enjoy the april fools party!

Over and out.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

April fools party spoiler!

This one the first is for members only.Sorry non-members:(

Hope you like them!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

New ninja catalog coming friday!

It looks really cool. Sorry I coudnt put pictures or copy it.My computer is doing weird things.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Penguin play awards!

Hi well I told you I was gonna post.

Here is the stage pretty cool but only for members:(
The item is also at the backstage!
Yoshi 4567

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I'm back

I think I'm going to make a fresh start starting tommorow.
Tommorow I'll give you all the updates on the penguin play awards.
How it looks inside,the top five plays and maybe if theres a free item i'll tell you what it is.

In other news the st patricks party is coming to an end.I think it was awsome.
Better than last years!

Yoshi 4567