Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Rockhopper & New mission coming soon!

Hello Penguins!
There's going to be a lot going on in Club Penguin over the next couple of weeks that we haven't talked about--so I thought I would give you a quick head's up!
The team is nearly finished the new secret agent mission--and believe me you don't want to miss its release early next week! I can't say a lot more about it, and there will be more info coming to agents very soon.
If you haven't completed the last mission, be sure you do before the new mission comes out. If you're not a secret agent but you're at least 30 days old, click the M on the top right corner of your screen and apply to become one.
I also just heard that Rockhopper is coming back!! You can't see his ship anywhere on the horizon right now, but the team is getting things ready for his return. He will arrive at the end of the month!
As always let us know what you think! I'll have more info on summer events soon!
Until then...waddle on!
-The Club Penguin Team