Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Water party sneak peak!!! :)

Hello Penguins!
I promised last week to have more info about all the exciting stuff coming this summer in Club Penguin. There's a lot to look forward to--new parties, catalogs, missions, games, and more, but the first thing I want to share with you is one of the events you've been asking about the most: the Summer Kick Off party!! It's happening very soon and I don't want any of you to miss it!
One of the parties we've heard you liked a lot was the Water Party from last summer so we thought we'd bring it back... all the best parts will be there and then some!
Here's some art for the party that the team is working on. We would love to know what you think!
The party goes from June 13 - 18. I think it's going to be a great way to kick off summer! And this is just the beginning. There's plenty more fun stuff planned and I'll have more sneak peeks about that soon.
Until then...waddle on!
-The Club Penguin TeamBy BillyBob on June 02 2008 10:38 Comments (13)